Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Life

This treadmill is a symbol of my life right now. For two weeks straight I have woken up at 5:30-5:45 am and worked out on this beast before heading to the gym. I'm actually getting better at it and not complaining as much. I know that this "symbol" is going to help me with my all around goal.


  1. Hey Robyn! I found your website(s) through the Cricut forum. I just love what you've done. They are both so helpful. I do love this one though because it is so close to my heart.

    If you ever need any help please feel free to let me advice is always free. ;)

    Good Luck to you!

  2. Thank you sooo much Brandy. Please come back and visit. It really helps to motivate me when friends are checking up on me. :)

  3. Keep doing what you are doing. I admire your efforts and dedication.
    I am trying to drop a few pounds before going on a trip to Cancun in 2 weeks. I have lost a little, but I know I need to do the treadmill more. I keep putting it off. I just need to get on it and stop putting it off.
    Have a good weekend!

  4. Robyn: IMO You are an amazing and talented person. Your blogs (cricut video and weight support) are visually appealing and enlightening - you must have been a graphic design major in college. When i looked at your profile and saw "5 children" the next question is "how do you do it all?"
    You just may be my inspiration personified.

  5. Thanks Working Mom!! No, I wasn't a graphic designer in college. I wish!!
