Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 2 - Week 1

Good morning all!!!

I woke up totally starving today but was very happy that I stayed within my Weight Watchers points/calories yesterday.  Yay me!!  I was tempted throughout the night but I said "no, thank you" every time.  Here is a very unflattering picture of me that we took last night.  Honestly the dress looked so much better in my bathroom mirror!

Did I not tell you that I usually hide my weight well?   This dress did not hide it!!  LOL!!  That's okay, though because I still a very happy person.  I just want to be healthy!

No exercise yet even though I am in my workout clothes.  I need to go run a few miles!


  1. You go Robyn! I'm right there with you and just started WW this past Saturday. There are some wonderful apps out there if you aren't "officially" doing WW. My goal is 15 lbs so I'm there with you every step of the way. Keep up the good work!

  2. I have 10 pounds to lose. That I want to lose sooo bad!!! So I'm going to keep checking in here and getting motivated by you. (No pressure though) LOL!!! All kidding a side ... Great work keeping within your points yesterday!!! Awesome!!
