Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quick Check In

I'm very moody today BUT........... I'm back in the 130's and it feels great!!! I'll post more later and share what I've been up to!!! I worked out for 4.1 miles this morning!! YAAA!!! It didn't even kill me like last time!


  1. WooHoo!!!!! That's just great. Your mother is going to be so surprised when she sees you! You've been putting an awful lot of effort and dedication into losing this weight. I'm thrilled for you that it's coming off. Sure you look fabulous, dahling!

  2. It looks like you lost 2 lbs...not just one. 140 down to 138. I haven't been in the 130s since Tyson was little. You are really doing outstanding!

  3. I'm jumping back on with WW again on Tuesday...Robin you inspire me!! I was on WW a couple years ago... was doing great... had sinus polyp issues, lots or prednisone and then surgery. That is all in the past now! Keep posting Robin!! Btw would you mind telling me how tall you are? Thanks!

  4. Thanks everyone!!

    Dawn, I am 5'4.
