Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 1 - Week 1 Check In & Weigh In

Hello Everyone!

Wow! I have missed this blog but I definitely need it now.  Today I am making a commitment to get healthy.  I know it's weird starting on Halloween with all the other holidays coming up but that doesn't mean I cannot enjoy them, I just need to have moderation.  So here we go.... starting completely over!

Week 1

Weight - 148.8 (Can you believe I was at 117 after I ran the marathon 2 years ago?)

Today's Exercise
Singles tennis with friend for 1 1/2 hours.  I ALMOST beat her!!!  We were running all over the court.

I am doing the Weight Watchers plan still so I have 29 points plus extra for tennis.

Here is a picture from this week.  I will try to post a new one every week.  I usually gain the weight in my middle and in my face.

Leave a comment here if you are doing it with me!!!  Good luck everyone.  We can do this!  Get up and get moving!